Harvey's Swiss Chalet Express

address: 49 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto

Harvey's Swiss Chalet Express (Establishment# 10407223) is a business licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The last inspection date is December 22, 2021. The establishment status is Pass.

Entity Overview

Harvey's Swiss Chalet Express is licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The establishment number is #10407223. The business address is 49 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto. The business type is Restaurant.

Establishment Information

Establishment ID10407223
Address49 Eglinton Ave E
Establishment TypeRestaurant
Inspection Date2021-12-22
Establishment StatusPass

All Inspections and Infractions

Inspection DateInspection StatusInfraction Details
2021-12-22PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Operate food premise - fail to keep sanitary facility in good repair - Sec. 25(2). Action: Notice to Comply.
Severity: Significant. Deficiency: USE UTENSILS NOT SUITABLE FOR INTENDED PURPOSE - SEC. 8(1)(D). Action: Corrected During Inspection.
2020-12-21PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: FAIL TO ENSURE EQUIPMENT SURFACE SANITIZED AS NECESSARY - SEC. 22. Action: Notice to Comply.
Severity: Minor. Deficiency: Food premise not maintained with ceilings in good repair in food-handling room - Sec. 7(1)(g). Action: Notice to Comply.
Severity: Minor. Deficiency: FOOD PREMISE NOT MAINTAINED WITH CLEAN FLOORS IN FOOD-HANDLING ROOM - SEC. 7(1)(G). Action: Notice to Comply.
2018-06-21Conditional PassSeverity: Crucial. Deficiency: Operator fail to ensure food is not contaminated/adulterated. Action: Notice to Comply.
2017-09-05PassSeverity: Significant. Deficiency: FAIL TO CLEAN TOILETS AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY O. REG 562/90 SEC. 68(4). Action: Corrected During Inspection.
Severity: Significant. Deficiency: FAIL TO CLEAN URINALS AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY O. REG 562/90 SEC. 68(4). Action: Corrected During Inspection.

Location Information

Street Address 49 EGLINTON AVE E

Businesses in nearby locations

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
Starbucks 43 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2017-08-16
Fit for Life 50 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2020-01-16
Apex Drug Mart 90 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2020-02-21
Prohibition Gastrohouse 40 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2017-04-04
Snakes & Lattes Midtown 45 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2017-12-01
Super Express Convenience 110 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2017-12-29
Penguin Pick-Up 120 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2018-05-22
Jj Bean 90 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2020-01-27
7-Eleven 1 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2021-03-23
Starbucks Coffee 2187 Yonge St, Toronto, ONPass2018-01-04

Similar Entities

Businesses with similar names

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
Swiss Chalet 266 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-03
Swiss Chalet 1400 O'Connor Dr, Toronto, ONPass2016-04-21
Swiss Chalet 2990 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2016-08-08
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Swiss Chalet 300 Borough Dr, Toronto, ONPass2016-05-05
Swiss Chalet/Harvey's 269 Rexdale Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2019-03-05
Swiss Chalet 700 University Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-02-04
Swiss Chalet 949 Eglinton Ave W, Toronto, ONPass2018-02-21
Swiss Chalet 1560 Yonge St, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-01
Swiss Chalet 900 Dufferin St, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-02

Provide Additional Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 15 thousand eating and drinking establishments and inspections by City of Toronto, Public Health - Healthy Environments Program. DineSafe is Toronto Public Health’s food safety program that inspects all establishments serving and preparing food. Each inspection results in a pass, a conditional pass or a closed notice. Each establishment is registered with establishment number, business name, business location, inspection date, inspection result, infraction details, actions, etc.

Data ProviderCity of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program
JurisdictionCity of Toronto, Province of Ontario