Clubhouse Eventspace

address: 195 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto

Clubhouse Eventspace (Establishment# 10568026) is a business licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The last inspection date is December 14, 2021. The establishment status is Pass.

Entity Overview

Clubhouse Eventspace is licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The establishment number is #10568026. The business address is 195 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto. The business type is Restaurant.

Establishment Information

Establishment ID10568026
Address195 Galaxy Blvd
Establishment TypeRestaurant
Inspection Date2021-12-14
Establishment StatusPass

Toronto Business Licence

Licence NumberB71-4648699
Client Name2502373 ONTARIO LTD
Address195 Galaxy Blvd
ON M9W 6R7
Issued Date2016-04-22

All Inspections and Infractions

Inspection DateInspection StatusInfraction Details
2019-08-26PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: . Action: Notice to Comply.
2017-06-13PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly wash equipment. Action: Notice to Comply.
2016-12-30PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Operator fail to properly wash surfaces in rooms. Action: Notice to Comply.
2016-06-29PassSeverity: Significant. Deficiency: OPERATOR FAIL TO ENSURE COVER WILL PREVENT CONTAMINATION OR ADULTERATION O. REG 562/90 SEC. 59(C)(II). Action: Corrected During Inspection.

Location Information

Street Address 195 GALAXY BLVD

Businesses in the same location

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
The Vue 195 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2016-08-04

Businesses in nearby locations

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
The Frozen Butcher 80 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2016-12-08
Freshly Frozen 73 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2017-04-18
Mary Macleod's Shortbread 80 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2018-02-15
Molson Head Office 33 Carlingview Dr, Toronto, ONPass2016-12-19
Molson Breweries - Our Pub 1 Carlingview Dr, Toronto, ONPass2016-08-26
Molson - Dana Hospitality 33 Carlingview Dr, Toronto, ONPass2018-02-21
Bolton Food Products Ltd. 83 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto, ONPass
Beretta Kitchen 80 Galaxy Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2021-12-14
Dana Hospitality In Life Labs 100 International Blvd, Toronto, ONPass
Molson Breweries 1 Carlingview Dr, Toronto, ONPass2016-12-13

Similar Entities

Businesses with similar names

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
224-Td Clubhouse 1 Blue Jays Way, Toronto, ONPass
Fishman Lobster Clubhouse 4020 Finch Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2021-02-23
Fishman Lobster Clubhouse 680 Silver Star Blvd, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-15
The Clubhouse Sandwich Shop 455 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ONPass2017-02-28

Provide Additional Information

If you wish to provide additional information about Clubhouse Eventspace, please fill in the form below. Please note that the information provided here will be posted publicly on this page. Please do not leave any private information here. If you have privacy or any other concerns about the information on this page, please use this link to the contact form.

Dataset Information

This dataset includes 15 thousand eating and drinking establishments and inspections by City of Toronto, Public Health - Healthy Environments Program. DineSafe is Toronto Public Health’s food safety program that inspects all establishments serving and preparing food. Each inspection results in a pass, a conditional pass or a closed notice. Each establishment is registered with establishment number, business name, business location, inspection date, inspection result, infraction details, actions, etc.

Data ProviderCity of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program
JurisdictionCity of Toronto, Province of Ontario