Dk Catering

address: 3212 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto

Dk Catering (Establishment# 10745847) is a business licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The last inspection date is December 21, 2021. The establishment status is Pass.

Entity Overview

Dk Catering is licensed by City of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program. The establishment number is #10745847. The business address is 3212 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto. The business type is Food Caterer.

Establishment Information

Establishment ID10745847
Establishment NameDK CATERING
Address3212 Eglinton Ave E
Establishment TypeFood Caterer
Inspection Date2021-12-21
Establishment StatusPass

All Inspections and Infractions

Inspection DateInspection StatusInfraction Details
2021-12-21PassSeverity: Minor. Deficiency: Food premise not maintained with floors in good repair in food-handling room - Sec. 7(1)(g). Action: Notice to Comply.
Severity: Minor. Deficiency: Operate food premise - furniture not arranged to permit cleaning - Sec. 9. Action: Notice to Comply.

Location Information

Street Address 3212 EGLINTON AVE E

Businesses in the same location

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
Premium Sweet 3212 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2016-07-14

Businesses in nearby locations

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
Samudra Caters 201 Markham Rd, Toronto, ONPass2017-07-18
Starbucks- Metro 3221 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2017-11-01
Tajmahal Foods 3214 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2016-07-13
Little Bavaria Restaurant 3222 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2016-06-24
Star Hakka Chinese and Indian Cusine 3216 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2016-06-02
Bento Sushi 3221 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass
Island Catering and Take Out 3260 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2020-02-04
New Island Bakery 3260 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2016-06-02
Adabraka Supermarket 3242 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ONPass2020-02-04
Kalanchiyam Food Mart 195 Markham Rd, Toronto, ONPass2020-08-07

Similar Entities

Businesses with similar names

Business NameAddressEstablishment StatusInspection Date
D & S Catering 2 Thorncliffe Park Dr, Toronto, ONConditional Pass2016-12-12
En Route Catering Inc. 40 Melford Dr, Toronto, ONPass
Io Catering 400 Sewells Rd, Toronto, ONPass2021-03-24
Kennedy Catering 1433 Kingston Rd, Toronto, ONPass
Tlm Catering 207 Wicksteed Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-12-05
Sublime Catering 272 Augusta Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-03-10
Ma-Ro Catering 31 Railside Rd, Toronto, ONPass2016-11-04
New Kalyani Take Out & Catering 723 Kennedy Rd, Toronto, ONPass2016-02-18
Catering Club 601 Milner Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-06-01
IO Catering 1079 Midland Ave, Toronto, ONPass2016-05-10

Provide Additional Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 15 thousand eating and drinking establishments and inspections by City of Toronto, Public Health - Healthy Environments Program. DineSafe is Toronto Public Health’s food safety program that inspects all establishments serving and preparing food. Each inspection results in a pass, a conditional pass or a closed notice. Each establishment is registered with establishment number, business name, business location, inspection date, inspection result, infraction details, actions, etc.

Data ProviderCity of Toronto, Public Health, Healthy Environments Program
JurisdictionCity of Toronto, Province of Ontario